Flat Rate MLS Listing

About Us-Flat Fee MLS Listing

Reliance Real Estate Group has been doing business in the Acadiana area for 11 years.  We are a brokerage that primarily deals with residential real estate investing.  We are also the premier Flat Fee MLS Listing provider in the Acadiana area.  Our company began offering this product in 2010 as a result to meet a growing need.  In 2010, our broker had an epiphany, “What are real estate agents doing for sellers, that they can’t just do themselves.”  Put a sign in the yard, run an ad in the paper, and hosting an open house are all things that sellers can do.  The one major thing is listing on the local MLS, and since 80% of homes in the U.S. are sold through the MLS this is a big advantage.  That’s when we started our Flat Fee MLS Listing service.  For a one time flat fee we will list you and set you up like you are the listing agent.  Now you can cut out the listing agent and get all the marketing exposure of being listed without paying a hefty 6% of the sales price! Our Flat Fee MLS Listings are only $425. Licensed in Louisiana

Jeremiah Gooding

Jeremiah Gooding


Jeremiah Gooding is the Broker/Owner for Reliance Real Estate Group.  He has over 15 years of experience in real estate.  His main area of expertise is residential real estate investing and Flat Fee MLS listings.

Anna Ward

Anna Ward

Office Manager/Realtor

Anna Ward is the Office Manager for Reliance Real Estate Group.  She is also a licensed real estate agent and has been actively doing real estate since 2011. She has a great deal of experience with the Flat Fee MLS Listings service.

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